Let’s Practice




Calligraphy and Tai Chi are interconnected, sharing the same roots and resonating in their forms. Both embody the principles of Yin and Yang, integrating these concepts into the practice of martial arts and calligraphy. In terms of Calligraphy technique,  the transformations of Yin and Yang, integrating structure, composition, rhythm, and artistic conception into a unified whole, achieving the cultivation of energy, mind, and moral integrity, as well as life itself.

Practicing calligraphy is a mental exercise that enhances one’s thinking abilities, and it is also a physical activity that requires almost full-body involvement. It demands not only the physical act of spreading paper and wielding the brush but also the engagement of mind, spirit, and breath. Daily practice of holding the brush and writing involves sitting upright with focused attention. While writing, the head should be straight, shoulders relaxed, body upright, arms open, and feet stable. The grip of the brush involves firm fingers, relaxed palm, vertical hand, flat wrist, and raised elbow. The power of the whole body transitions gradually from the waist to the shoulder, elbow, wrist, palm, and finally to the five fingers, flowing to the tip of the brush. This course focuses on practicing and cultivating Qi (vital energy) through calligraphy, providing a peaceful and comfortable writing experience.